Monday, May 19, 2014

Post #2 of 5:

Don't think of purple elephants... Ha!  You just did!

Monday, April 28, 2014


Okay, let's talk about the elephant in the room: I hit my year mark on Thursday. And not only that, but I filled up my first journal and started a new one on that same day. So I'm in an interesting mood right now to say the least. I feel really old and yet really ignorant about mission things. I suppose that is how most people feel, at least I hope I'm not the only one. But enough trunkiness! It's time to talk about what we learned today.

I had some really good personal studies this week. I examined the three parts to a good commitment, the importance of following up, how to use the Book of Mormon more effectively, and even glanced at the language chapter of Preach My Gospel. That chapter was interesting, because although it is geared greatly towards foreign speaking missionaries, there are still nuggets of truth that could be applicable to any missionary. For example, it was talking about being dedicated and diligent in learning the language, but the principle could be used for communication skills in general: "The Lord has invested much in you, and He may have uses for your [communication] abilities later in your life." I had never taken time to think about how much is invested in me; it's a very humbling thing to contemplate.

In Gospel principles class on Sunday, we talked about the priesthood. There was a President David O. McKay quote that promised every man who uses the priesthood in righteousness “will find his life sweetened, his discernment sharpened to decide quickly between right and wrong, his feelings tender and compassionate, yet his spirit strong and valiant in defense of right; he will find the priesthood a never failing source of happiness—a well of living water springing up unto eternal life." That really stuck with me and made me realize that I might be taking some of my priesthood responsibility lightly. Thank heavens for our prophets to smack us around the head a bit and get us back on track.

That was about the extent of my gospel learning that is shareable. We did some service on Saturday helping restore a city park. It was lots of fun, even more so since about 30% of the people were missionaries. The city people definitely sat up and noticed that. It's good to know that people outside of the church are realizing that we are a large force for good.

That's about it. I love you all and hope you have an excellent week.

Elder Cox

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