Monday, May 20, 2013

"Whether it is by the my voice or by the voice of my servants it is the same"

Monday, May 20, 2013
To All,
     This week was really good. We had Elder Robbins from the Quorum of the Seventy come and talk to us.  We also got to hear from his wife, and President and Sister Castro. I'm just going to share some of the highlights of what they said:
     President Castro: The results of my labors does not measure the level of my success, but the intent and effort I put into the work determines whether I am a successful missionary or not.
     Sister Robbins: We must sacrifice our lives metaphorically (see Matt 19:27-30) and sometimes literally (see John 15:13) if we are to be devoted servants to our God and to our fellow man.
     Elder Robbins: The thing that stuck out the most with his remarks was a movie analogy (of course), that the movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray is the story of repentance - only when we are trying to be better men and not selfish ones are we blessed. But it takes a long time. He also shared a quote by Winston Churchill to drive home this point: "Success is going from failure to failure without any loss of enthusiasm." I have found this very true, especially this week when I have had good lessons and bad ones.
      The good lesson happened that night, when Elder Broby and I were still on our "spiritual high." We were able to teach a Latino mother and daughter through a translator (who is a member). The spirit was amazingly strong, and they even committed to baptism as they continue to learn that what we teach is true. Sweet!
      The bad lesson was a few days later. We have been working with a single mother who hasn't really been progressing in the lessons, so Elder Broby and I agreed that it's make-it-or-break-it time. She said that she's not ready for baptism, and that she doesn't know what she wants from us anymore. It's really disheartening; but a testimony nonetheless to me about the power of agency and how we, as missionaries, have to allow people to "choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil." I hope that our follow-up lesson we are able to help her understand what it is we are trying to give to her.
     Those were the most spiritual things that happened this week. I smashed my thumb while moving a cabinet and that felt really good.  We were able to set a new convert apart as an Elder on Sunday so that he and his wife can go and be sealed in the temple. He's really cool, and reminds me a lot of John Ratzenberger, the actor who plays Cliff Clavin on Cheers. Except this guy has huge arms!!!! His biceps are as big as my thighs - it's incredible!
     That's about all. Really jealous of all the civilians who are watching Iron Man and Star Trek, but I know that the Lord is going to bless me for these sacrifices that I am making.

Love you all and hope you have a great week!

Elder Cox

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