Saturday, July 20, 2013

I'm way late posting this!  I got to go to Beehive Girl's Camp (which I absolutely LOVED) and am now just getting to this.  Enjoy!

I Believe In Murikels!

Monday, July 15, 2013

     It was another beautiful week in the mountains of Tehachapi, all the more so because of miracles.
     The first major miracle came when we went on exchanges with the Monica 1st missionaries on Wednesday.  Elder Walker and I were in Bakersfield, and Elder Broby and Fernandez were in Bear Valley. The day was a little dreary.  It looked like it was going to rain but it was only muggy. Elder Walker and I just trucked along and were knocking on some doors, ignoring the weather, and having a great time. We then knocked on this door and a man in his late 50s opens the door. We greet him and introduce who we are and he asks, "You got any single women in your church?" We said yes, that there were; and he seemed interested in coming to church at that point. When we asked for his name as we were leaving, he said it was Julian. All of a sudden, Elder Walker's eyes started from his head and his jaw dropped a little bit; but I didn't say anything about it until we left the porch. When I asked him about it, he said, "During the second week of this transfer, I woke up one morning with a name in my head.  Ever since, I've been looking for someone named... Julian." It was really cool for me to be involved with something so profound as that; just as it speaks in Jeremiah 23:25 - "I have heard what the prophets said, that prophesy lies in my name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed."

     The next miracle that came to me was at church, when we had three less-active/part-member families attend church.  The part-member family came so they could hear Elder Broby give a talk. Afterwards, when we talked to them about it and how they felt, the non-member said that listening to Elder Broby's talk made her feel all fuzzy inside. This just reinforces the importance of everyone attending church, because the chapel is a consecrated building that invites the spirit - "...where two or three are gathered together in my name, as touching one thing, behold, there will I be in the midst of them even so am I in the midst of you." (D&C 6:32)

     But the best thing happened on Friday during District meeting. We started out and it was good; but all of a sudden during our "War Council" (where we talk about investigators that we are struggling with and seeking help from the other Elders), someone had the idea to write all our investigator's names down and have it be a District Prayer Roll. Then, someone said, "Why stop at investigators?  This sister in our ward is in poor health, can we pray for her too?" After that, family members got on the list too. When we were done, we had about 25 names of people that we personally knew that were struggling in the gospel, with health, finances, etc. It really strengthened us as a district to know that we are praying for each other and those that we care about. I don't know how everyone did, but I know that my testimony was strengthened. It brings to mind the story of Alma the Younger and when he was struggling with the gospel.  His father and many members of the church prayed that his heart might change (see Mosiah 27). The power of prayer is real, I see it work everyday out here, and I know that you all can too.

Love you lots and lots,

Elder Ethan Cox

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