Sunday, November 10, 2013

Here's another one:

Adventure is Out There!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Fun stuff first. Last Monday we went on a hike up the side of the ridge and let me tell you, I didn't realize how much I was out of shape. My whole side was on fire and my back was so tight I had a hard time breathing. Of course, that might have been the venom moving through my body after I got stung by a bee in the first 5 minutes. Nah, that couldn't have been it. Anyways, we got to the top and had an excellent view of Tehachapi and then it was all down hill from there (literally, not figuratively). It was a lot of fun and this week we are going to try and carve some pumpkins. Man, we should have an Elder going home every transfer, this is lots of fun saying goodbye! 
We also had exchanges on Tuesday which were a blast, had the best turkey burger I have ever eaten; and then a tripanionship on Thursday because Elder Flores (the aforementioned departing missionary) had his departing temple trip and was gone all day. I tried some hot sauce called Mega Death on Thursday which just about killed me. I put a drop (less than a drop actually) on my tongue and immediately I started coughing and choking, all the while feeling like my tongue got smashed with a hammer. So I had adventures all this week.

Now for the spiritual. First let me say thank you for all the words of encouragement and support. This week was much better than the last: we picked up two investigators and both of them are progressing! It is a wonderful change from just a short while ago when I was running around trying to find someone (anyone really) to teach. We even had our district blitz the area for an hour or so just so we could get a few more potentials. But what I'm very hopeful for is that my and my companion's talks on Sunday really get the ward fired up and get them praying and searching for those who need the gospel. I gave the members four things to do: 1) Pray for missionary opportunities; 2) Find neighbors/friends/family that are ready for the gospel; 3) Love them and become their friend; 4) Invite them to learn more and have the missionaries over to do the teaching. I got my fingers crossed that they will finally get the message and give me some referrals! 

I love you all and hope that you have a goofy goober week!

Elder Cox
Here are the photos Elder Cox took on his hike.  He didn't give me names of the people in the pics or where they went hiking.  All I know is that it's his district and it's in the hills of Tehachapi.  Enjoy!


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